Mayur Thummar Avatar

Mayur Thummar

Web Developer


About Me

Hello, World! 👋 I'm Mayur, a full stack blockchain and web developer with a background in healthcare , blockchain and website development with life-long dedication to learning. I enjoy creating things that live on the internet and turning problems into beautiful designs. I primarily focus on JavaScript, solidity HTML, and CSS.

While I love front end development and design, I'm also very comfortable using back-end tech including Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB.

Transitioning to web development has enabled me to continue my passion for learning and embrace my status as a forever student. I love to work as part of a dynamic team and find the challenges that programming brings very exciting!


Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:

JavaScript Bootstrap React.js
CSS C++ Node.js
HTML MongoDB Solidity
Blockchain Typescript Web3.js

Featured Projects

For more up to the minute work, please visit my GitHub


Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, think we could work together, or just want to connect.